Past, Present, & Future
The Past
I see in the past you had a lot of people trying to dim your light. These people could have been lovers or friends, who were secretly jealous of your success. These individual's seen how much you desired out of life and your motivation to do better, made them feel inadequate. These people were upset that you seemed to thrive in whatever work environment you placed yourself in. If you got a new job, started a business, or even went back to school, they were bitter! They intended to trap you and keep you trapped. For some of you, they wanted to trap you with a baby or just with burdens. These people were unsatisfied with their own life's lack of accomplishments and wanted to stop yours. They may have stolen from you in some form or another. They could have taken away help they knew you needed, stolen your time, or even actually stole money from you. These people battled demons n their sacral chakra and their desire were only skin deep. They had issues with creating a manifesting their own success and envied your ability to do so! They wanted what was fleshly, while you desired to achieve your dreams. This is someone who would disrupt your peace if they thought you were getting too far ahead or away from them.
The Present
I see you losing respect for the people who tried to put you down. These people didn't respect your boundaries and it got old really fast to you! I see some of you focusing on your body at this time. You may be being called to focus on your health at this moment. There are outside influences who are upset at your growth. You have been able to withstand your storm and still keep standing. Your storms are over now, and you are about to see the rainbow after the rain. These people are looking at you as the wounded healer. They tried so many times to break you, but you just kept healing yourself and picking yourself back up. You have been forced to finally acknowledge your strength because no one could have done it with such finesse as you! You are being called now to get some rest because your spirit team needs you to get out of survival mode! The world is changing in your favor and it's all because of your ability to never quit on yourself. You're learning how to set healthy boundaries with these people, and it's got them upset! You're not easily accessed or controlled anymore. I see you standing in your power and going boldly after the things you want. You're the star of your life and you have now realized that! Your wish fulfillment is going to blossom in your now!
The Future
These people are going to be shaking in their boots honey! This person is so used to coning you out of your time or money, that when their tricks stop working, it'll shock them! This is someone who liked to mentally or emotionally manipulate you. I see you calling it quits with this person and saying, "fuck this relationship/friendship!" These people will be all up in your business about who you're dating or what you're doing for a living. The masks that these people wore, will be pulled from their faces and you'll be able to see them for who they truly are. You are being encouraged to live out loud and don't care how these people feel! So, what they don't have a date, you do! So, what they keep fumbling their bag, doesn't mean you have to give them yours! You are coming into a season of gain and your spirit team is encouraging you to embrace it wholeheartedly. You will be gaining finances, love, gifts and many more blessings from the universe. You will be experiencing positive changes while these people go through tower moment, after tower moment. Their foundations will start to crumble and this is their karma. Your life will be exciting, something like a movie miracle!